Earth Air Water and Light is a four module course that reconnects you with the alchemy of Earthly elements. Each Zoom class starts with the setting of energies and intentions to connect with a specific element and a variety of helper beings and spirits. The main part of each class is a fifteen to twenty minute guided meditation that takes you deeper into an element’s energy to shift energy on the planet and for yourself. Each class also has time for sharing, so we can learn from each other and be a witness to your healing process.

In the first three classes you practice using different tools to release old energies and invite new energies and can raise your vibration so you can radiate as much Love as your connection to spirit allows. Light is the the final module in this course because Light is spirit. Light is consciousness. Light is Love. The four modules in this course are all about connecting you to Love. The Love of animals, of trees, of the Earth, of others, of yourself. The goal of these classes is not send or radiate love and light, but to remember how to be Light, because you are Light.

To help you remember how to be Light, these classes are designed to put you in a position to serve the Earth and all beings on Earth. This is a course that requires a bit of actual work, actual service. There is fun too and the opportunity to transform the Earth’s macro alchemical elemental energy into micro techniques that you can use for your own personal healing. You will choose your own personal dragon, you will be given a power animal, and you find an ally crystal or healing stone. If you have worked with these beings already, these classes will strengthen those relationships.

Each module is designed to introduce you to energetic alchemy, by working with an ascended master, a planetary element, sufficient structure, details, and practice to continue to expand the work in the ways you want to be of service to yourself, to the planet (animals, trees, waters…), to others, and ultimately to the universe. The core technique in each class will always be a fairly simple one, and it will be one that you can scale – meaning one that you can make it bigger and brighter as you practice more or bring in more helper beings.

It might seem as though there are a lot of moving parts (energy, dragons, masters, crystals, water, air, earth, trees, etc…), but you will find there is a solid structure that these parts fit into. The hope is that one or more of these techniques is exciting for you and aligns with your gifts. Some tools may not work as well for you as others, and that’s ok. You may like Mother Mary more than the Medicine Buddha. The choice of what to continue with is your choice. All we ask that you are open to the methods and helpers in each class. Who knows, you may find that carnelian, a sea dragon, the cottonwood tree, and Isis are the perfect match!

You do not need to have any prior knowledge of any energetic systems or healing modalities. But this is an advanced course, because it moves quickly. What you do need, is a belief that you have a personal dragon, a very benevolent personal, who also might be a powerful fire breathing dragon. You also need an open mind, an open heart, and an active imagination.

This is an experiential course, one that requires you to be engaged and share with others. We know that people have very different learning styles, so we added material here in advance so you can read about each class to get yourself prepared. But when you get to the Zoom online event or listen to the guided meditations, it’s GO time, and your presence and attention is important.

There are three mains goals of this course:

  • One goal is to introduce you to a variety of energy management tools and to practice those tools on the Earth and on yourself. Many of you will be very familiar with some of the tools, for example setting intentions is one of them. The main goal is help the Earth: specific locations on the planet, lakes, rivers oceans, animals, trees, and plants…
  • The second goal is to give more structure around using these tools (did we mention dragons?) so you might be included to use them more often. You might find that the metaphors, specific helper beings, or specific elements might appeal to you. We all know that working on ourselves and raising our vibration is important, these are the types of experiences that help you do that.
  • The third goal is get us all engaged more in community. For most people the best approach to this class is the Zoom online-live modules. In that setting you will have an opportunity to share your experiences with others. You don’t have to share a lot or often if you don’t want to. Sharing builds the energetic bonds between us healers, even if we don’t see each other again. And where else are you going to be able to out loud and PROUD, that your dragon was an turquoise sea dragon, and have others oooh and awe? If you take the self-paced version of the classes, you are also part of a community. When you complete a module, you let us know, so we can check in. We also give you a helper animal at the beginning before you start Earth week.

    Module 1 – Earth

    The course starts with connecting with the Earth element because you need to be grounded when doing elemental energy work. The energy work in these modules is Earth based because these are the elements that make up the Earth, and this is where we each live. We are also made of these elements, and noting else. We are all Earth Air Water and Light.

    • Each class begins with an introduction to the selected element and any helper beings for the class. We do a fairly short energy clearing, thru the chakras, invite guides, set intentions, and create a strong healing foundation for the longer guided meditation.
    • Each class has a guided meditation, and for Earth week you are guided to connect with your helper animal and to embody that animal’s traits and powers. Soon after you sign up for the class, an instructor journeys to find a power animal that wants to work with you. We will let you know your new helper animal before the first class and at the end of the course, you can choose to “keep” your animal or choose to work with another animal. You can bring in other animals too, but please be sure to give your new animal a try; we guarantee that animal wants to work with you.
    • In addition to getting to know your power animal, the Earth element meditation you meet a Mother Tree, and you plant seeds of light in a garden. Throughout the classes, you return and nurture and cultivate your garden. The meditation also invites you identify some of the traits in your power animal that could assist with planetary healing.
    • Each element also has alchemical power. Alchemy is the power to change something base into something greater, like lead into gold. Using the powers and gifts of your animal friend each of us will tap into the alchemical power of the Earth element and create a new healing energy somewhere on the planet.

    Module 2 – Air

    The second course reconnects you with the Air Earth element because Air is literally the breath of life.

    • This class also begins with an introduction to the selected element and any helper beings for the class. We do a fairly short energy clearing, thru the chakras, invite guides, set intentions, and create a strong healing foundation for the longer guided meditation.
    • During the Air element meditation you meet a group of Dragons and you pick one of the dragons to be a helper spirit for you (sometimes they come in pairs). Air is good element for dragons, because most of them fly. But don’t be worried if you choose a water dragon!
    • Using the powers and gifts of our dragons each of us will tap into the alchemical power of the Air element and use a form of Air to . For example, some of us might use the wind to stabilize or even out the flow of moisture in the atmosphere, others might use the breath to restore burnt forests or endangered species.

    Module 3 – Water

    This class focuses on the element of Water and how to connect with Water as a cleansing, healing being.

    • This class also begins with an introduction to the selected element and any helper beings for the class. We do a fairly short energy clearing, thru the chakras, invite guides, set intentions, and create a strong healing foundation for the longer guided meditation.
    • The guided meditation in Water week is a fun one too. This is the week we get work and play with the Jellies. Others might call them jellyfish, but because they are not fish, they really do prefer to be called the Jellies. And, if you didn’t know already, they are SUPER advanced managers of electric currents. We are going to buffer their currents with whales in case the Jellies get too intense.
    • The alchemical work for the Water meditation is a bit more multi-layered than the alchemy we practiced with Earth and Air. All of the waters on Earth are connected in (sort of) the same way as the the water in our bodies, and a good metaphor for the waters of the Earth is like the blood in our bodies. Our blood flows throughout our bodies, carrying oxygen and nutrients and taking away toxins. We will sense or imagine the waters of the Earth flowing in a similar way, but an important part of this flow is an electrical current. This is why we need help of the jellies.

    Module 4 – Light

    Light is the main element for the culminating module in this course. Earth Air and Water are also important contributors to the work we will be doing in this class, because they are a known and tangible foundation that you have learned to work with in different ways.

    • This class also begins with an introduction to the selected element and any helper beings for the class. We do a fairly short energy clearing, thru the chakras, invite guides, set intentions, and create a strong healing foundation for the longer guided meditation.
    • The guided meditation to leverage the alchemical power of Light is to practice being Light. This is the same as practice as being Love. Because we are all divine, some of do not need to practice being Love or being pure Light. But for most of us, our daily lives are Earth often take us out of our pure divinity, we sometimes need to stop, focus, and reset our intention on being Light. Being Light is a reunion with Spirit, with Mother Father God, with all that is is, which is only Love.
    • The alchemical work for this week is the simplest but perhaps the hardest. Each of us will choose a location on the planet, strip off our physical bodies, and emanate the radiant Light and Love. In this meditation there is a Circle of Masters. Who comes to the circle varies by class (sometimes Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Medicine Buddha, Melchizedek, Isis…). The Circle of Masters will also have one of your stones or crystals and have your higher self. During the meditation you merge with and embody one or more of the Masters in the circle.

    Lyn Hunter

    When you sign up for this course, you get:

    • A weekly invitation to four, one-hour long, live Zoom classes. Each class has a short lecture, a mini-energy clearing, and a longer guided meditation, followed by sharing.
      • If you miss a class, you can listen to the Zoom recording.
    • A message from a new power animal
    • Two energy templates:
      • Earth Air Water Light Color Energy Wheel
      • Circle of Masters Matrix
    • Access to an online learning forum to share your experience and ask questions